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/ June 19, 2015

Revlon Colorstay Foundation Normal.Dry Skin | Review + Swatch Shade 200

This Revlon Colorstay foundation has been around for quite some time and has achieved cult-like status as the go-to drugstore foundation for many people.

Drugstore foundation is one area of products that generally never seem to work for me.  And I am in NO way a makeup snob, I will try and use anything, it just has to work.  But I figured a zillion bottles sold must mean something.

Revlon Colorstay foundation info |


This foundation comes in 31 shades for the oily formula and 15 shades in the dry skin formula.


Okay, another pet peeve.  This foundation only pours out, no pump.  Update: The foundation now comes with a pump, as of 2019!


This is a medium-to-full coverage finish.

I went for full coverage the first time and didn’t love it.  My skin just sort of looked flat, without any sparkle or dimension.

The second time, with thinner layers, it looked much more like real skin, but with nice coverage that evened out my color and hid some light acne scars on my cheeks.

It does layer and blend nicely when you work in very thin layers, like in the photo below, which is two layers.


Unfortunately, if I forgot to use a setting spray, the foundation started to wear off around my nose a few hours in and started to overall look kind of greasy around the 10 hour mark.

I’m not sure if the formula for Normal/Oily is different and has more oil control.  This was kind of disappointing as it does promise 24 hour wear.  With this setting spray it lasted all day without moving.

My skin does feel a little “gunked up” the day after wearing it.  So I think if I wanted to wear it as my main foundation, I’d switch it up some days with a CC cream, just so my skin doesn’t get clogged.


This is where this foundation really stands out to me.

In real life, I thought my skin looked good, but in photos I feel like it looks incredible.  It photographs really well.

So if you are a bride on a budget or don’t wear makeup a lot but need something for photographs, I think this would be a good pick for you!




I was pleasantly surprised by this foundation.  It’s one of the first drugstore foundations that has so many things I like about it.

It builds up nicely from medium to full coverage.  It photographs beautifully.  The price is great.

I’m really happy that I tried the Colorstay foundation and will be adding into my foundation mix.


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  1. Some people have luck purchasing the MAC foundation pumps and using them with drugstore foundations with similar packaging. You could also purchase an amber glass dropper bottle from anywhere (stores like Whole Foods have them usually next to their essential oils or you can easily purchase in bulk online for cheaper). It’s not as convenient as a pump but if the pump doesn’t fit your bottle at least the dropper makes it easier to dispense a more accurate amount. You could even get fancy and use the amber glass dropper bottles to custom mix/blend your own shade for those annoying times you are between shades and need to purchase two and mix them.

    • Good thinking!! I was considering putting it in an old bottle with a pump, but to be honest, just got lazy! So now I’ve been pouring a drop on the back of my sanitized hand and working with it from there…

  2. It looks gorgeous on you! But I’m so with you about the lack of a pump. I hate foundations that pour. Inevitably they always end up spilling and then I might as well have bought a pricey one with a pump to begin with. Le sigh….

    What hair color do you have in in the pics above btw?! Is this the Wella or the INOA? It looks so gorgeous! The red is really there without being overpowering.

    • Thank you, I was so happily surprised with how nicely this foundation photographs. Such a good budget pick for brides! But seriously, I want them to do a pump for their next generation of this foundation.

      This is the INOA formula, done by my friend Anna. She’s so good. I love the L’Oreal but I do feel like it fades faster than the Wella…Have you tried either brand?

  3. I have been using this in the Oily Skin Formula 220 for a long time and love it! I once bought the same color in the Dry/Normal formula to see the difference and did not like it at all. Even in the same color the different formulas are slightly different colors. The Oily Skin Formula last and really “sticks” so much better. You can get away with a lot less and achieve a lot better coverage. I use a brush and do 2 thin layers overall and add on under eyes. I would say you should really give the Oily Skin Formula a try even if you don’t have oily skin. My face does not tan and is pretty pail compared to the rest of me and the 220 is my favorite shade. It is not too pink or orange and gives a great base for powder bronzer. It looks like the 200 is pretty as well!

    • Good to know about the difference in formulas! I think I’ll definitely pick up a bottle of the Oily formula so I can see the difference. I like the idea of having to use less product to get full coverage.