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/ April 29, 2014

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil | Review + Demo

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil is hands down the best product on earth for removing every last bit of makeup, including heavy foundation and waterproof mascara.  Not only does it get off makeup completely, but it does it gently, so your skin is left hydrated.  Keep reading below to find out how I also used this oil to clear my skin of clogged pores!

2020 Update | I’m still using this oil and I love it more and more every day, I swear.  It’s been almost 15+ years of use now!


  • available in 1 oz (no pump), 2.3 oz, and 6.7 oz
  • retails for $5.50, $14, and $28
  • shop online | Dermstore . UltaAmazon prime
  • gently dissolves all makeup, even waterproof mascara, with no tugging
  • use on makeup-free skin to clear blackheads and clogged pores
  • cleans and restore natural bristle brushes and beautyblenders
  • use with dry hands and apply to face while it’s dry

Shop DHC Cleansing Oil |



They are a skincare company from Japan. 

In the US, they ship from San Fransisco and are online only via their site and Dermstore.   They recently opened a storefront on Amazon as well, so you know you are getting authentic DHC.

They still sound out monthly catalogues, which I read cover-to-cover.  100% remind me of the getting excited for the Delia’s catalogues back in the day.  They also include samples in the catalogue, so you can test textures and skin reactions prior to buying a full size.

The Cleansing Oil is their #1 worldwide best seller.  For a reason.  It removes all of your makeup while keep your skin hydrated and glowing.  Every trace of makeup comes off.  It also clears out blackheads and pores.  It’s incredible, but I’m also getting ahead of myself.


A huge skincare myth is that oil is bad for your skin.  For awhile it was oil-free everything.  Having refined oil like this cleanser on your skin signals to your skin to stop producing more oil.

Which makes this cleanser equally as great for oily skin.  I have forced friends with oily skin to buy this cleanser and they are addicted.


Once I ran out and I thought try to use up my other old face washes.  After 3-4 days,  I put my foundation on and my skin just looked off.  It felt rough and had weird dry patches and felt dirty.  The texture was SO weird.  I couldn’t figure it out, then I realized that my pores were so clogged from not having the DHC oil cleanser.  I was thoroughly  grossed out and ordered another bottle ASAP.

Within two days (4 washes!) of using the DHC oil my skin was completely back to normal.  It was really eye-opening how much of a difference the cleansing oil makes.


A.M. | In the morning, I put a pump all over my dry face, then if I have time, treat it as a mini-mask.  I leave the oil on my face and brush my teeth and pour myself coffee.  Then I rinse the oil off and my skin is soft and glowing for the day.  I completely got rid of blackhead and clogged pores on my chin by using this oil as my morning cleanser.

P.M. | I put one full pump (and only 1 pump, no more/no less) on my face.   Any more than one pump will get too much oil into your eyes and make then temporarily cloudy.

Make sure that your hands and face are completely dry.  It’s super important that you rub it onto dry skin and only add water when you are ready to rinse.  Adding water immediately dissolves the oil.

The oil will work if you put it on damp skin.

I usually will let the oil sit for about a minute.  This helps it get to the base of your makeup and is how to get the best results.  Once I feel my makeup loosening up, then I’ll rinse my face.

Sometimes if I’ve worn super heavy makeup, I’ll follow up with the DHC Washing Powder (powder that turns into a cleanser with a drop of water, amazing to bring traveling).  But most days I wear a light-to-medium amount of makeup and so just the cleansing oil is perfect.

That’s it!  All your foundation and eye makeup is removed gently, and your skin will be glowing.



The Cleansing Oil also make the best brush cleanser.  I put a pump or two (depending on how many brushes I’m washing) in the palm of my hand and swirl my brushes or beauty blender pro in it.  I let the brushes soak up the oil for a minute, then I start to gently, but thoroughly rub the oil through the bristles.

It’s important to use enough oil now to properly get all the makeup off, because once you start to rinse the brushes, you can’t add any more oil.  The water will just dissolve it immediately.

Under lukewarm water, start to rinse the brushes out, one brush at a time.  Gently massage the bristles and you’ll see all the built up makeup rinse out.  It’s completely disgusting, but fascinating.  You will be impressed and horrified and want to start washing your brushes waaay more.

Once your brushes dry, they will be the softest they’ve ever been!

Here is the full tutorial on washing your brushes with DH oil.


Trust me, this stuff is worth every penny.  A bottle lasts me 6 months to a year, depending on how often I wash both my face AND my brushes.  Totally worth it to go through it a bit faster for the clean brushes though.  Your skin will be so soft and clean.  A absolute must if you wear liquid foundation.  Get it now, thank me later.


Shop DHC Cleansing Oil on: Dermstore (free shipping) and in their Amazon store


Thank you for reading.  As always, I hope this post was helpful!

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xo –


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  1. I just ordered this product! I was able to find it on amazon for a little less as well. Can’t wait to try it! I have dry skin as well and can’t wait to try something cleansing and soothing. I feel like your blog fell into my lap at the right time. Thanks for your fun blog!


    • Thank you for taking the time to let me know and thank you about the blog!! I’m so happy you found it too 🙂 I hope the cleanser works for you, I’m so obsessed with it.


      • So I’ve been using the cleanser for about 10 days and I love how hydrating it is BUT I feel like I’m doing something wrong because when I use my astringent after washing with the oil the cotton pad has a lot of dirt on it. Am I not cleansing long enough?


        • Hmm. Are you putting it on your face dry? Are you feeling the makeup dissolve? I try to rub it in circles for at least 30 seconds before I rinse. (Almost wrote minutes there, haha) I usually use a Konjac sponge after, which seems to get everything off for me. But if I get lazy and don’t use the sponge, I will sometimes have makeup on my towel after too, especially on days I had a full face of makeup on. Then, I’ll do a second cleaner. I’ll just use a little DHC cleansing powder or Burt’s Bees cream cleanser. The sponge is my first pick, or a creamy cleanser is second best, in my opinion. Let me know if that helps!

  2. Totally creeping on your site for a few days now, you’re a riot and I love your blog!! I have been looking for a great new cleanser for a while since I have been pregnant – my skin has totally changed and it’s a nightmare!! So I am going to give this product a try (love oil cleansers) on your recommendation – found it on for a great price (for all your Canadian readers=) Thanks lady for all the giggles and great advice! Have a super day=) oxox Kayla