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/ March 5, 2014

You’re Taking Salt Baths, Right? Ok, Good.

The first time I found epsom bath salts was completely by random in Ulta.  I can’t even remember what I was looking for when I stumbled across Dr. Teal’s salts about two years ago, but I remember thinking ‘What are these?” followed by “I probably need to try them.”

I tried both the lavender and the eucalyptus salts and prefer the eucalyptus.  They are $6 for a giant 3 pound bag.  You can also buy unscented salts at Whole Foods or another all natural food store.

epsom-salt-benefits.jpegYou put a giant scoop (about a cup) in a hot bath, let the salt dissolve into the hot water and climb in.

Here is what I do remember:  I got out of the bath after soaking for about twenty minutes.  I toweled off and my skin felt…well, like a new woman.  I went to bed about a half hour later and thought “My skin still is so soft.”  Woke up and YOU CAN GUESS HOW MY SKIN FELT.

Epsom salt pulls toxins out of your body.  If you search the internet for “benefits of salt baths” you’ll get a billion informative sites with way more info than I could give you, but I can tell you first hand that it definitely “de-bloats” (just making up words now!)

But seriously, I always wake up the next day and my skin/body feel great.  Not too tight, but also not bloated, just really well balanced.

Also, when I soak in epsom salt after a workout, I’m a lot less sore the next day compared to when I don’t do a salt bath.  Those two things were enough for me to make salt baths a thing “I do” at least 2 to 3 times a week.  I put my hair up in a bun, so that it doesn’t get wet in the bath, relax, and think about life.

Also, I’m really in meditation, especially the 21-day guided meditation cd’s from my boyfriend Deepak Chopra.  (I LOVE HIM.)  Even if you don’t want to meditate, you will want to listen to his voice.  He has the most soothing voice on the planet.  So now, I have a nice little thing going with my salt soaks and meditation time.  I think it such a lovely way to end the day and calm down before going to bed.  I have what people have politely referred to as a “space cadet” brain, so for me to calm it down is The. Jam.

Try it, feel your skin after, and become an Epsom salt believer!  Even a ten minute soak will make you feel great.

Let me know if you’ve tried epsom salts and if you have any favorite brands below in the comments.

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Girl Get Glamorous





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